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Authenticity Guarantee

Impressionist provides an assurance on behalf of the seller that each piece of art which we offer for sale on the site is a genuine work of the artist listed.

Impressionist guarantees the authenticity of the artwork for a period of six month. Authenticity in relation to artworks shall mean compliance of the artwork with the description provided on the web site, particularly with reference to the name of the artist, title (if any) of the artwork itself, date, the school of art (if mentioned),dimensions, medium etc.

In the unlikely event that within six month from the sale of the artwork, it is proved by the buyer to the reasonable satisfaction of Impressionist that the item was not authentic and if, in Impressionist's opinion, this would have significantly impacted the price a buyer would have been willing to pay for the item, Impressionist shall be entitled to rescind the sale and the seller will be liable to refund to the buyer the price paid for the item, once the buyer returns the item to Impressionist . Impressionist shall hand over to the seller the item returned by the buyer.

All such claims will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and in the case of an authenticity claim in relation to artwork will require that examinable proof, which clearly demonstrates that the item is not authentic, is provided by an established and acknowledged authority. The decision of impressionist respect of such claims shall be final and binding.

This guarantee shall be subject to the following conditions: The claim is made by the buyer as registered with Impressionists (the benefit of the claim is not assignable to any subsequent owners or others who may acquire or have an interest in any of the items).