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Artist : Abhang Balasaheb >>>


  • Untitled
  • Acrylic on Canvas
  • painting
  • abstract
  • 48 x 36 inches
  • 121.92 x 91.44 cm
  • 2022
  • 2,50,000.00
In ‘Electric Blu’, Balasaheb Abhang orchestrates a mesmerizing symphony of colours and textures, inviting viewers into a world of boundless energy and tranquillity. Through a masterful blend of French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, and Cobalt Blue, Abhang lays the foundation for a captivating exploration of light and form. The painting begins with a delicate first wash, where translucent tones set the stage for the vibrant hues that follow. As layers of thick colour applications emerge, forms overlap and intertwine, creating a dynamic interplay of shapes and textures. Throughout the composition, the artist skilfully manipulates tonal values, employing shades of black and white to evoke abstract electrical harmonies that pulse with energy and vitality. At the heart of ‘Electric Blu’ lies a sense of circulating electrical energy—a visual representation of the artist's inner peace and creative vision. Abhang's meticulous attention to composition and form ensures a harmonious balance between the various elements, while the transparency of white colours adds depth and dimension to the canvas. Already cherished by two art lovers, ‘Electric Blu’ captivates with its evocative portrayal of a pre-rainy-day skyscape. Despite its modest size, the painting exudes a sense of grandeur and depth, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in its infinite blue hues.
Ref. No.:15

12 x 12 inches

30.48 x 30.48 cm


Ref. No.:16

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:17

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:18

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:19

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:20

18 x 36 inches

45.72 x 91.44 cm


Ref. No.:21

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:22

20 x 28 inches

50.8 x 71.12 cm


Ref. No.:315

20 x 20 inches

50.8 x 50.8 cm


Ref. No.:321

20 x 28 inches

50.8 x 71.12 cm


Ref. No.:322

15 x 15 inches

38.1 x 38.1 cm


Ref. No.:323

15 x 15 inches

38.1 x 38.1 cm


Ref. No.:325

20 x 28 inches

50.8 x 71.12 cm


Ref. No.:328

20 x 20 inches

50.8 x 50.8 cm


not now
Ref. No.:329

15 x 15 inches

38.1 x 38.1 cm


not now
Ref. No.:330

15 x 15 inches

38.1 x 38.1 cm


not now