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Artist : Abhang Balasaheb >>>


  • Limitless No.3
  • Oil on Canvas
  • painting
  • abstract
  • 32 x 68 inches
  • 81.28 x 172.72 cm
  • 2024
  • 3,95,000.00
  • Available

In ‘LIMITLESS... NO 3’, Balasaheb Abhang embarks on a journey of artistic exploration, weaving a tapestry of colours and shadows that transcend the boundaries of imagination. Guided by the timeless tradition of classical riyaz, Abhang immerses himself in the process of form and colour, unlocking the limitless potential of his artistic expression. He declares, capturing the essence of his creative process. With each brushstroke, he engages in a dialogue of colours and forms, layering and overlapping in a continuous symphony of artistic expression. The painting unfolds with a mesmerizing interplay of yellow Ochre, Naples yellow, gold, and transparent burnt Sienna—a palette carefully selected to evoke a sense of warmth and depth. Through effective tonal applications, Abhang orchestrates a classical music player of forms, tuning and harmonizing with shades of black and white. As the composition evolves, forms repeat and intertwine, creating a sense of cohesiveness and connectivity that defies conventional boundaries. Each application of colour is a part of a larger conversation, a testament to the artist's visionary capability to express the limitless. But the journey does not end with the application of colours alone. Abhang invites viewers to explore the beauty of shadows, strategically captured to enhance the depth and dimension of the artwork. By illuminating the painting with mobile touch light or candlelight, viewers can discover new nuances and intricacies, unveiling the endless beauty of forms and shadows. In ‘LIMITLESS... NO 3’, colours and shadows merge seamlessly, extending beyond the confines of the canvas into the realm of the infinite. With each repetition, each layering of forms, Abhang guides us on a journey of discovery—a journey that knows no end, a journey that is truly limitless.
Ref. No.:228

42 x 48 inches

106.68 x 121.92 cm


Ref. No.:229

48 x 42 inches

121.92 x 106.68 cm


Ref. No.:230

36 x 36 inches

91.44 x 91.44 cm


Ref. No.:231

32 x 32 inches

81.28 x 81.28 cm


Ref. No.:232

21 x 29 inches

53.34 x 73.66 cm


Ref. No.:233

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:234

30 x 24 inches

76.2 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:235

36 x 30 inches

91.44 x 76.2 cm


Ref. No.:236

36 x 36 inches

91.44 x 91.44 cm


Ref. No.:237

30 x 60 inches

76.2 x 152.4 cm


Ref. No.:238

42 x 48 inches

106.68 x 121.92 cm


Ref. No.:239

30 x 36 inches

76.2 x 91.44 cm


Ref. No.:240

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:241

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:242

24 x 24 inches

60.96 x 60.96 cm


Ref. No.:243

42 x 42 inches

106.68 x 106.68 cm
