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Gallery Paintings Heading [ Image size 960 x 60  ]
Artwork Details
Artist : Abhang Balasaheb>>>


  • Landscape-02
  • Oil On Canvas
  • painting
  • abstract
  • 36 X 24 inches
  • 91.44 x 60.96 cm
  • 2009
  • 84,046.00
  • $ 983.34
  • Available

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>>> Artist : Abhang Balasaheb >>>


Abstract Impressionist The journey beyond the known towards the unknown Is the work of the abstract impressionist. My paintings are a reaction of nature. Different forms attract my mind, inspire me & Give me immense joy and a burst of energy. The paintings that came forth through the transformation of that energy is what is being presented; The beauty of this is reflected on the canvas. : Balasaheb Abhang